8 tips for tightening dilated pores

Maintaining a proper skin cleansing routine and using exfoliating products can help tighten the enlarged pores.

For reasons of aesthetics and self-esteem, many people are looking for methods to tighten the enlarged pores of their skin. Although in general it is a harmless problem, its presence may indicate imbalances in the sebaceous glands and hormonal alterations.

They are often found in the "T" area of   the face, which corresponds to the forehead, nose and chin. However, they are also noticeable in the cheeks and other areas of the skin. Their main consequence are acne pimples and blackheads.

In addition, as they are accompanied by excessive production of sebum, they make the skin shiny and neglected. Fortunately, there are several recommendations and remedies that can minimize them to give the complexion a fresh and renewed appearance. Does this problem bother you?

Tips for tightening dilated pores

1. Perform a deep cleaning

The first step in tightening the dilated pores is to adopt a daily cleaning routine with suitable products. Indeed, the facial skin is much more delicate than other areas and requires treatments that do not alter its pH.

2. Use exfoliating products

Regular use of exfoliating products is one of the best solutions against excess fat that affects open pores. Thanks to their astringent and detoxifying properties, they are ideal for removing the residues that form blackheads .

Although you can use those sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores, it is also interesting to use those of natural origin. The important thing is to keep in mind that they should only be applied twice a week. Because in excess, they can be counterproductive.

3. Include a facial tonic in your routine

The daily application of facial tonics has become one of the best alternatives to close up enlarged pores and fight pimples. This type of treatment removes the fat retained on the surface of the skin and regulates the pH.

On the other hand, thanks to their content of firming and anti-inflammatory substances, they are ideal to avoid flaccidity and signs of premature aging. Their nutrient inputs help regenerate cells and heal.

4. Use ice cubes to tighten dilated pores

Ice therapy is a great option for tightening large pores without having to spend a lot of money on expensive treatments. Cold helps reduce their size and provides a "tensor" effect that combats flaccidity and wrinkles.

In fact, the effects compare to those of some conventional tonics, because they also reduce fat. However, they should be used with care, wrapped in a cloth, as they are aggressive.

5. Improve nutrition

One of the reasons that facial treatments fail is that you do not have good eating habits. Therefore, if the goal is to tighten the enlarged pores and improve the appearance of the skin, it is essential to make some corrections in the diet.

The consumption of sugars, saturated fats and simple carbohydrates should therefore be limited
On the contrary, lean meats, whole grains and fruits and vegetables

6. Increase water consumption

Although dehydrated skin looks dry and dull, low water consumption also aggravates oily or open-pored skin. This vital liquid is involved in the processes essential for the regulation of sebum production and the elimination of dead cells.

7. Apply honey

Honey has cosmetic applications that are worth exploring. Thanks to its content of enzymes, trace elements and antioxidants, it is one of the best natural products to keep your face young and without imperfections.

  • In this particular case, it removes dead cells from the surface of the skin and tightens pores to prevent blackheads
  • It is also useful against attacks caused by the sun's rays, because it promotes regeneration and relieves burns

8. Apply masks to tighten the enlarged pores

Homemade masks are an excellent complement for removing sebum residues and closing pores. However, you have to choose the right recipes, because those that contain fatty compounds are not very useful.

If the problem results in opening pores, pimples or acne, it is best to choose ones made with astringent ingredients and cleansers. Some interesting options are:

  • Clay
  • Witch Hazel
  • Chamomile
  • Melon or watermelon
  • strawberries
  • Natural yogurt
  • Green tea
  • oat
  • Egg white

Do you often have dilated pores? So, follow these tips. As you can see, they are very easy to implement and have a positive impact on the relief of this condition . So, if you want softer and healthier skin, take it into account now.

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